Your company’s logo, stationary, brochure or website are often the first thing a perspective customer sees.
It’s important to portray your company accurately and professionally to your clients via first impression graphics. Designs for Growth specializes in creating communications that seamlessly create a cohesive and consistent brand for your company.
We will help you to:
Create graphics that are memorable
Communicate what your business does
Reflect what you want your company to become
S4 Study Skills
Designed and implemented an omnichannel marketing communications strategy.
Accent Communications
Designs for Growth designed the logo, stationery, 2-sided business card and website.
Shown below is the logo Designs for Growth designed for SoundWaters’ 20th Anniversary. Designs for Growth has worked with SoundWaters since 1993, creating communications. These promotional and direct mail materials include stationery, brochures, ads, fliers, posters, invitations, email newsletters and websites. Wrote tagline, Protecting Long Island Sound through Education.
Designs for Growth designed the logo, stationery, brochure, and a bookmark.